Much like the blue peaks nestled in the white clouds, I did not want to get out of bed today, beyond the famed night-owl morning phobia. After all, I often seem to get severe colds following international travel, despite all the fish-oil and vitamin precautions, and this time is no different.
Spring called (as did my dog demanding exercise), making a brief trip outside necessary. This was a real, and a really beautiful, mountain inversion, too, but I did not have the energy to do anything other than snap these smartphone images.
Of course, these are the Rockies of the Great White North, so the feeling of light and life is deceptive: Old Father Winter will have plenty of opportunities to strike back at the fragile, nascent Spring especially around the time of the Equinox, which happens to coincide with my mother's birthday.
On that note, there seem to be more Pisces around me than during salmon spawning. (Sorry, couldn't resist. I blame my terrible cold for this terrible bout of humor. Yes, that's it.)
And then?
And then, I followed the yellow brick road...err...the blue, icy path, dragged by the now-exercised dog, back to the healing warmth of hot black tea, tea, and more tea.