Sunset, Yellow and Red (Mobile)

Having cooled myself off with an unexpectedly rigorous—stormy waves!—open-water swim, I decided to do the same with my dog (cool off, not swim, that is) in the late and pleasantly breezy evening. The mountains always look two-dimensional at this hour, and today, they did even more so. Flat and yellow, rather than the typical shades of blue.

The absence of sounds (and humans) easily got me mesmerized by the suspiciously many crows flying past me one by one. 

When I turned around, the now-William-Turneresque sky looked like this.

Reds and yellows in almost every shade permeated the horizon reminding me of Northern Lights inexplicably, as I've only seen them—or their rather modest exemplars—in central Canada on a number of occasions in the past.

In the very least, this was ample compensation for the missing waxing Moon that was supposed to have been nearly full tonight.