Saying "Yes" to Deer

There is a man who gets visited by squirrels. He started photographing them and even seems to make some kind of a living from it, according to his magazine write-up.

I get visited by deer.

I won't give them little umbrellas for photo-ops like he does. However, I've decided that while I live in the Middle of Nowhere, I might as well document them, even though they're not wolves, or bears, or anything else equally menacing to suit a badass lady such as myself. After all, this fits my photographic seeing-the-beauty-in-the-everyday mentality.

I even recognize some of them, like the trooper female deer who's somehow gotten injured months ago and hops on three legs, yet somehow keeps going.

So you might be seeing a lot of regular, but not average white-tailed deer (and some mule deer, too). Enjoy the cuteness, like this youngster!

P.S. I still need to befriend some ravens or crows to balance out this equation!