Spring in the Mountains
There is something peaceful about observing a spring storm roll over the Rocky Mountains, as a few remaining wispy clouds from a dissipating inversion are swirling over the tree tops below. Incoming rain is about to make the not-yet-verdant green just a bit brighter, and last autumn's earth tones suddenly shed their monochrome dustiness and gain impressionistic detail—until things dry again.
Red and Green
Like Candles
Up Above
Turbulent and hypnotic clouds of early spring! Now I just need to paste a heavy metal band somewhere in there. ;)
Editorial: Interior Design
In the past few weeks, I've been working on interior-design photography of luxury condos. Much like food, staged architectural images can be perceived as the polar opposite of capturing photographs of wild animals. Thus, they provide the necessary diversity that makes me enjoy this field. At the same time, documenting the interplay of shape and color in the best possible way is not very different from being out in the wild.
What makes this particular project special is that these condos were decorated with my photographs on canvas. Seeing them in context and on proper scale gives me the motivation to keep going.