Typical sunset 🌅 nowadays thanks to forest fires. 🔥 Do you think I'll look cute in an old Soviet gas mask?
White Sun Over the Valley
Frozen Moons on Blue
Ravenous Fog
Ravenous late-autumn inversion consumes itself and the mountain turning the horizon into Endless Gray. ☁️🗻
Yellow Moonrise
It's great to be able to step out for a moment and shoot such a pretty Moonrise tonight. 🌝
Up Above
Turbulent and hypnotic clouds of early spring! Now I just need to paste a heavy metal band somewhere in there. ;)
I've finally gotten around to assembling 'real' timelapses out of individual images that I've photographed. Naturally, I started with my favorite subject, the Moon.
The individual photographs for the full-Moon video looked like this:
And the final product—like this:
Vine's square format is bothersome, but it seems to retain a slightly higher resolution than the Instagram version.
I photographed the second timelapse tonight and assembled it so as to resemble vintage sci-fi films (including the soundtrack). The individual images I shot look like this:
The final video turned out like this:
Yet again, the Instagram widescreen version is worth referencing in terms of the way this mini-film is meant to be seen, excluding the resolution reduction.