My surprising little visitor catching bright, but meager sun rays at the end of the season. 🐞🍂
Darkness at the End of the Tunnel ⛈☔️
Nature nearing the end of autumn: impressionistic abstractions and color and black-and-white in a single image.
Dusk in Autumn
Mallards' piercingly nostalgic goodbyes to the death of Summer and Nature about to embark on a lengthy journey of deep slumber.
Memories of Summer
Memories of summer as perpetual freezing rain distorts the equally never-ending dreary clouds outside the window.
Cabin with a View
Impressions of Autumn
Multicolor, impressionistic abstractions of Nature's last dance before a long stretch of wintry slumber. 🍃🍂
Complementary Abstraction
The sun creates unimaginable shades, complementary to the rest of the landscape, where autumn color has just started to set in. 💦🍂🍃