Rather stressed out for a number of reasons this weekend, I've decided to do something creatively meditative, for the lack of a better word, in addition to something physical (I don't know what you thought, but I'm referring to open-water swimming).
So I picked up my favorite medium, watercolor, and painted my favorite flowers, orchids. Freehand (as in, no sketching, just painting).
That's a definite first for me.
That is, I don't think I've ever voluntarily worked on flowers other than being forced by an uninspired teacher in a childhood art class. I suppose, now that I photograph this subject, this isn't too far fetched.
Of course, I'm more likely to draw a vanitas with a mandatory skull. Dark, brooding, and, hopefully, somewhat badass. (Note to self. For later!)
But this was a really enjoyable exercise, especially because I rarely get to use traditional illustrative means nowadays when most clients request vector illustrations.
Now, to find that elusive, endangered animal called "more free time"...