On Guard

“Gloriously defending my domain from intruders with every fiber of my…errr…with every wrinkle of my being!”

Basset Portraits

Here are my latest canine portraits in all their hound-dog glory—an overly decorated boy and a misleadingly innocent-looking girl (like all redheads!). There are few things better than dogs, and there are even fewer better than bassets!  

Unlike other breeds, however, bassets are notoriously difficult to photograph. After all, why focus on posing for 2 seconds when you can chase that amazing scent...or that other even stronger scent...or...

White Gold

This blog has been taken over by a Golden Retriever, cunningly using his—my—appearance of loyalty and the deceiving personification of good. I will now post images of home-made treats and tasty birds from the grouse group. Well, I suppose, the previous owner already shared photographs of the latter, so I'll leave those up. Treats it is, then. Peanut butter.

The Eyes

Ever wonder how certain canines get everything they want? If your companion is an indifferent cat rather than an affectionate dog, you might have.

Here is a visual demonstration.