Musing about Music
Winter's Skies
There was something missing with this stunning sunset. Naturally, I added a basset hound. ;)
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate at this time from the happiest of reindeer...err...slightly unimpressed basset in a funny hat! ;)
In Tandem
Take a basset hound, add a Golden Retriever. Mix them in a cold glacial lake. Sprinkle a few toys. Spice it all up with slow-mo. And voilà!
Lost in the Landscape
Basset hounds have a tendency to look, well, unimpressed, even when they are fully content. It's the nature of the breed!
In fact, there is a fairly popular dog meme called "unimpressed bassets," which I frequently evoke on my dog blog. Explaining humor is a tad silly, but I'll do so anyway: the point of this meme is to show bassets, who look like they could not care less, in happy settings, from birthday parties full of dog treats to beautiful landscapes.
Here too, my basset appears to be thinking, "Nature...pfffft!"
Basset in Blue and Gold
Basset Portraits
Here are my latest canine portraits in all their hound-dog glory—an overly decorated boy and a misleadingly innocent-looking girl (like all redheads!). There are few things better than dogs, and there are even fewer better than bassets!
Unlike other breeds, however, bassets are notoriously difficult to photograph. After all, why focus on posing for 2 seconds when you can chase that amazing scent...or that other even stronger scent...or...
Pop of Pink
"Why did you post a photo of a pooped-out basset shot in the worst possible midday lighting?", you ask. (Let's pretend you did.)
Good question, sir (ma'am).
This image reminds me of the summer that I thought had finally arrived until a rather belated chilly and gloomy rain season kicked in, bringing with it an all-encompassing gray.
So, this terrible lighting looks pretty good right about now!