Here Comes / There Goes the Sun

These two fun little timelapses were shot a half hour or so apart from each other, but what a difference did that make!

First, brilliant rays of the descending Sun nearly blinded me as I filmed this.

Next, the blood-orange of the sky rapidly transformed into an even blue, as the Sun set behind the mountain peak.

Saying "Yes" to Deer

There is a man who gets visited by squirrels. He started photographing them and even seems to make some kind of a living from it, according to his magazine write-up.

I get visited by deer.

I won't give them little umbrellas for photo-ops like he does. However, I've decided that while I live in the Middle of Nowhere, I might as well document them, even though they're not wolves, or bears, or anything else equally menacing to suit a badass lady such as myself. After all, this fits my photographic seeing-the-beauty-in-the-everyday mentality.

I even recognize some of them, like the trooper female deer who's somehow gotten injured months ago and hops on three legs, yet somehow keeps going.

So you might be seeing a lot of regular, but not average white-tailed deer (and some mule deer, too). Enjoy the cuteness, like this youngster!

P.S. I still need to befriend some ravens or crows to balance out this equation!

Winter's Golden Hour

The golden hour is every photographer's best friend that offers the most aesthetically pleasing natural lighting for almost any kind of image-taking, including portraiture. Even during generally colorless winters (those occasionally brilliant skies notwithstanding), this is the time that makes the most seemingly bland subjects—like snow on a branch—appear majestic.

Winter's Way

Winter's everyday is when naturally black and white scenery suddenly gets a burst of color—whether in those clouds that rapidly dissipate revealing brilliant blue of the sky above, in the shadows on the snow beneath your feet, or even in a simple road sign marking your path ahead. 

And nowhere are these transmutations as obvious as in landscapes of that very everyday—not of the stunning valleys and lakes you'd observe from the equally stunning mountain peaks, but of your daily walk often accompanied by your trusty canine.


Because it is when you least expect to be in awe—being in your familiar, even boring, landscape—that these minute changes strike you the most. 

Especially through the camera lens or even that of a smartphone, as was the case here.